Yes, that’s me in the picture. Yes, that’s my horse in the picture. No, she is not trying to kill me. She is trained to rear on command. And lay down, do Spanish walk and other stuff. Her name is Darq, hence I go by Darqpony! (…made sense at the time… LOL)

I’m a riding instructor and horse trainer with an irreverent, usually irrelevant, sense of humor. I’ve been riding and working horses for… well, that’s not important… just a long time. ;) I give riding lessons and work horses and train both to be safe and how to do cool tricks. You might add to the list of my bothersome quirks: persnickety, sarcastic and opinionated verbosity if you cared to trouble yourself. You could ask my friends, they’d tell you the same—if I had any, that is . . . ;)
I’m also a lazy, lazy horse keeper. Lazy like a lazy thing. I don’t have a handful of hours a day to work on ONE horse. I have a handful of hours to work on FIFTEEN horses. Kinda a different dynamic there. So anything I do has to be quick, logical, easily obtainable and easy to upkeep. And cheap. Very cheap. As cheap as possible. Cuz I’m kinda cheap that way. But I like value so I guess you could say I want a lot of bang for my buck.
So, now that we’ve established I’m a Bossy Mare, the best possible leader for horses and humankind everywhere, will get the job done as easily, logical (and cheap) as possible, these are my thoughts, comments, stories, articles and essays on the horse/human conundrum of life.